Throughout the ages the Huang He River has been a scourge of the nation. 黄河在历史上经常引起祸害。
The Huang He River roars on. 黄河在咆哮。
Huang He, an 18-year-old international trade major at Tianjin University of Commerce, takes a class on jade jewelry. 天津商贸大学国际贸易专业的黄河(音译),18岁,选修了一门翡翠珠宝鉴赏课。
In 2010 the Cavaliers signed a multi-million dollar marketing deal with Chinese beer giant Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd. Mr. Huang later clarified that he did not hold any stake personally in the Cavaliers. 2010年,克利夫兰骑士队与中国青岛啤酒股份有限公司(TsingtaoBreweryCo.Ltd.)签订了一份价值数百万美元的营销协议。黄健华后来澄清,他个人与克利夫兰骑士队没有任何利害关系。
Having left a state bank to found his lending company, Mr Huang is confident he can secure that competitive advantage. 黄建勤在创办小额贷款公司前曾在一家国有银行工作,他相信自己可以在这种竞争中占据优势。
Huang Rufang says he and his colleagues are hoping for new regulations to end public misunderstanding of charity organizations. 黄如芳称,他和他的同事希望有新的规定来结束公众对慈善基金会的误解。
Rural buyers often purchase from smaller steel mills, some of which operate illegally, says Huang He, an analyst at Mysteel Research Institute in Shanghai. 我的钢铁研究中心(MysteelResearchInstitute)驻上海分析师黄河说,农村地区的购买者常常从小型钢厂购买钢材,其中有些钢厂是非法的。
The Huang He ( Yellow River) forms the western border of Shanxi with Shaanxi. 黄河位于该省西部,构成了与陕西的分界线。
Master Huang: He looks very wise and handsome. 黄师父:他看起来很有智慧很帅气。
"In response, Huang Xiaoming said that he didn't have many clothes to choose," I only have this set of clothes, so I wore. 对此,黄晓明却无奈的说自己没办法,“只有这套衣服,所以就穿了”。
Master Huang: Does he feel strongly about keeping it small? 黄师父:他很强烈地希望维持小规模吗?
Master Huang: He can't talk, no. 黄师父:不能,他说不出话了。
The Qin government accelerated the technological and agricultural advancements of Sichuan making it comparable to that of the Huang He ( Yellow River) Valley. 秦朝政府促进了四川技术和农业的发展,使其达到黄河流域水平。
After the match Huang had said he could not remember what he had said in the heat of the moment and his preference for Italy was because he had commentated on Serie A for many years. 比赛之后,黄健翔说记不起当时激动时说了一些什么话,而对于意大利队的偏爱,是由于这么多年他一直解说意甲联赛的缘故。
The Fen and Qin rivers, tributaries of the Huang He, run north-to-south through the province, and drain much of its area. 汾河和沁河是黄河的支流,由北向南纵贯省内,流遍了大部分地区。
He added that Mr Huang said he "was willing to seriously look at the idea," but had made no commitments. 他补充说,黄怒波表示他“愿意认真研究这个构想”,但并没有作出任何承诺。
"I don't care whether it will earn back the money," said Huang, 78, he just wants to help the disadvantaged. “我不在乎是否能赚回投资。”78岁的黄先生说,他只是想帮助那些贫困的人。
Caijing's report quoted unnamed sources close to Huang as saying that he was taken away by investigators late Wednesday. 《财经》的报道援引了与黄关系密切的不具名消息来源,称周三晚些时候,他被调查者带走。
Adding to its significance, the area was also on the trade route from Huang He Valley to foreign countries of the southwest, especially India. 更重要的是,该地区还是黄河流域通往西南各国特别是印度的贸易通道。
But Huang told police that he had known Wang for many years and he did not threaten Wang, nor did anything illegal. 但是黄告诉警方他认识王定宇多年,并不曾对其作出威胁,且没有做任何违法的事情。
We asked Mr Huang how long can he go on competing on low cost and when this advantage would become a liability. 我们问黄先生他这种低成本竞争能维持多长时间,什么时候这种优势将会变成负担?
The province is located in the lower reaches of the Huang He ( Yellow River) and extends out to sea in the form of the Shandong Peninsula. 山东省地处黄河下游,向外沿伸入海的部分形成山东半岛。
Better social services are one solution to encourage Chinese to save less, says Prof Huang, but he argues that consumption would only start to play a much larger role in the economy if incomes were to be substantially increased. 黄亚生说,完善社会服务是鼓励中国人减少储蓄的一个解决办法,但他提出,只有收入得到大幅提高之后,消费才会开始在经济中发挥更大的作用。
Huang said he is confident. 煌说他有把握嘛。
Discussion on Oil Pumping in Air Compressor for Huang He Brand Trucks 黄河牌汽车用空气压缩机窜油问题探讨
In this paper, the author probed into the sources of Chu culture and Huang he& yangtze culture through making a comparison of the both. 本文通过青海民间招魂习俗与屈原《招魂》的比较,佐证楚文化与江河源文化的关系。
Individuality Outspread Classics Recurrent& The Interior Design Case of Huang Pu He Ji Residence in Shen Zhen 个性张扬经典再现&和记黄埔(深圳)住宅的室内设计个案
This paper analyzes fireproof structure design of Huang He Hao tourist ship. The relations of fireproof structure to integrated design, structure design, and electromechanical design are studied. 对黄鹤号旅游船的防火结构设计进行了剖析,研究了防火结构设计与船型、总体设计、结构设计、机电设计的关系。
The box-type beam composed of steel beam and reinforced concrete plate ( now called composite beam for short) in Suo Huang He Bridge is the first new type composite beam developed recently in our country. 琐簧河大桥中钢梁与钢筋混凝土板箱型结合梁(以下简称结合梁)是我国新研制的第一孔新型结合梁。
Mr. Xu Fu is the student of Zhang Taiyan and Huang Kan. He enjoys high reputation in the academic community and the education sector. 徐复先生是近代国学大师章太炎、黄季刚先生的入室弟子,在学术界、教育界享有极高的声誉。